'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Visual Basic global constant file. This file can be loaded ' into a code module. ' ' Some constants are commented out because they have ' duplicates (e.g., NONE appears several places). ' ' If you are updating a Visual Basic application written with ' an older version, you should replace your global constants ' with the constants in this file. ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' General 'Begin Clipboard Global Const CF_LINK = &HBF00 Global Const CF_TEXT = 1 Global Const CF_BITMAP = 2 Global Const CF_METAFILE = 3 Global Const CF_DIB = 8 Global Const CF_PALETTE = 9 'End 'Begin DragOver Global Const ENTER = 0 Global Const LEAVE = 1 Global Const OVER = 2 Global Const CANCEL = 0 Global Const BEGIN_DRAG = 1 Global Const END_DRAG = 2 'End 'Begin Show parameters Global Const MODAL = 1 Global Const MODELESS = 0 'End 'Begin Arrange MDI Forms Global Const CASCADE = 0 Global Const TILE_HORIZONTAL = 1 Global Const TILE_VERTICAL = 2 Global Const ARRANGE_ICONS = 3 'End 'Begin ZOrder Method Global Const BRINGTOFRONT = 0 Global Const SENDTOBACK = 1 'End 'Begin Key Codes Global Const KEY_LBUTTON = &H1 Global Const KEY_RBUTTON = &H2 Global Const KEY_CANCEL = &H3 Global Const KEY_MBUTTON = &H4 ' NOT contiguous with L & RBUTTON Global Const KEY_BACK = &H8 Global Const KEY_TAB = &H9 Global Const KEY_CLEAR = &HC Global Const KEY_RETURN = &HD Global Const KEY_SHIFT = &H10 Global Const KEY_CONTROL = &H11 Global Const KEY_MENU = &H12 Global Const KEY_PAUSE = &H13 Global Const KEY_CAPITAL = &H14 Global Const KEY_ESCAPE = &H1B Global Const KEY_SPACE = &H20 Global Const KEY_PRIOR = &H21 Global Const KEY_NEXT = &H22 Global Const KEY_END = &H23 Global Const KEY_HOME = &H24 Global Const KEY_LEFT = &H25 Global Const KEY_UP = &H26 Global Const KEY_RIGHT = &H27 Global Const KEY_DOWN = &H28 Global Const KEY_SELECT = &H29 Global Const KEY_PRINT = &H2A Global Const KEY_EXECUTE = &H2B Global Const KEY_SNAPSHOT = &H2C Global Const KEY_INSERT = &H2D Global Const KEY_DELETE = &H2E Global Const KEY_HELP = &H2F ' KEY_A thru KEY_Z are the same as their ASCII equivalents: 'A' thru 'Z' ' KEY_0 thru KEY_9 are the same as their ASCII equivalents: '0' thru '9' Global Const KEY_NUMPAD0 = &H60 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD1 = &H61 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD2 = &H62 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD3 = &H63 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD4 = &H64 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD5 = &H65 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD6 = &H66 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD7 = &H67 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD8 = &H68 Global Const KEY_NUMPAD9 = &H69 Global Const KEY_MULTIPLY = &H6A Global Const KEY_ADD = &H6B Global Const KEY_SEPARATOR = &H6C Global Const KEY_SUBTRACT = &H6D Global Const KEY_DECIMAL = &H6E Global Const KEY_DIVIDE = &H6F Global Const KEY_F1 = &H70 Global Const KEY_F2 = &H71 Global Const KEY_F3 = &H72 Global Const KEY_F4 = &H73 Global Const KEY_F5 = &H74 Global Const KEY_F6 = &H75 Global Const KEY_F7 = &H76 Global Const KEY_F8 = &H77 Global Const KEY_F9 = &H78 Global Const KEY_F10 = &H79 Global Const KEY_F11 = &H7A Global Const KEY_F12 = &H7B Global Const KEY_F13 = &H7C Global Const KEY_F14 = &H7D Global Const KEY_F15 = &H7E Global Const KEY_F16 = &H7F Global Const KEY_NUMLOCK = &H90 'End 'Begin Variant VarType tags Global Const V_EMPTY = 0 Global Const V_NULL = 1 Global Const V_INTEGER = 2 Global Const V_LONG = 3 Global Const V_SINGLE = 4 Global Const V_DOUBLE = 5 Global Const V_CURRENCY = 6 Global Const V_DATE = 7 Global Const V_STRING = 8 'End 'Begin Event Parameters Global Const WRONG_FORMAT = 1 Global Const DDE_SOURCE_CLOSED = 6 Global Const TOO_MANY_LINKS = 7 Global Const DATA_TRANSFER_FAILED = 8 'End 'Begin QueryUnload Global Const FORM_CONTROLMENU = 0 Global Const FORM_CODE = 1 Global Const APP_WINDOWS = 2 Global Const APP_TASKMANAGER = 3 Global Const FORM_MDIFORM = 4 'End 'Begin Colors Global Const BLACK = &H0& Global Const RED = &HFF& Global Const GREEN = &HFF00& Global Const YELLOW = &HFFFF& Global Const BLUE = &HFF0000 Global Const MAGENTA = &HFF00FF Global Const CYAN = &HFFFF00 Global Const WHITE = &HFFFFFF Global Const SCROLL_BARS = &H80000000 ' Scroll-bars gray area. Global Const DESKTOP = &H80000001 ' Desktop. Global Const ACTIVE_TITLE_BAR = &H80000002 ' Active window caption. Global Const INACTIVE_TITLE_BAR = &H80000003 ' Inactive window caption. Global Const MENU_BAR = &H80000004 ' Menu background. Global Const WINDOW_BACKGROUND = &H80000005 ' Window background. Global Const WINDOW_FRAME = &H80000006 ' Window frame. Global Const MENU_TEXT = &H80000007 ' Text in menus. Global Const WINDOW_TEXT = &H80000008 ' Text in windows. Global Const TITLE_BAR_TEXT = &H80000009 ' Text in caption, size box, scroll-bar arrow box.. Global Const ACTIVE_BORDER = &H8000000A ' Active window border. Global Const INACTIVE_BORDER = &H8000000B ' Inactive window border. Global Const APPLICATION_WORKSPACE = &H8000000C ' Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications. Global Const HIGHLIGHT = &H8000000D ' Items selected item in a control. Global Const HIGHLIGHT_TEXT = &H8000000E ' Text of item selected in a control. Global Const BUTTON_FACE = &H8000000F ' Face shading on command buttons. Global Const BUTTON_SHADOW = &H80000010 ' Edge shading on command buttons. Global Const GRAY_TEXT = &H80000011 ' Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to 0 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Global Const BUTTON_TEXT = &H80000012 ' Text on push buttons. 'End 'Begin Align (picture box) Global Const NONE = 0 Global Const ALIGN_TOP = 1 Global Const ALIGN_BOTTOM = 2 'End 'Begin Alignment Global Const LEFT_JUSTIFY = 0 ' 0 - Left Justify Global Const RIGHT_JUSTIFY = 1 ' 1 - Right Justify Global Const CENTER = 2 ' 2 - Center 'End 'Begin BorderStyle (form) 'Global Const NONE= 0 ' 0 - None Global Const FIXED_SINGLE = 1 ' 1 - Fixed Single Global Const SIZABLE = 2 ' 2 - Sizable (Forms only) Global Const FIXED_DOUBLE = 3 ' 3 - Fixed Double (Forms only) 'End 'Begin BorderStyle (Shape,Line) 'Global Const TRANSPARENT= 0 '0 - Transparent 'Global Const SOLID= 1 '1 - Solid 'Global Const DASH= 2 ' 2 - Dash 'Global Const DOT= 3 ' 3 - Dot 'Global Const DASH_DOT= 4 ' 4 - Dash-Dot 'Global Const DASH_DOT_DOT= 5 ' 5 - Dash-Dot-Dot 'Global Const INSIDE_SOLID= 6 ' 6 - Inside Solid 'End 'Begin MousePointer Global Const DEFAULT = 0 ' 0 - Default Global Const ARROW = 1 ' 1 - Arrow Global Const CROSSHAIR = 2 ' 2 - Cross Global Const IBEAM = 3 ' 3 - I-Beam Global Const ICON_POINTER = 4 ' 4 - Icon Global Const SIZE_POINTER = 5 ' 5 - Size Global Const SIZE_NE_SW = 6 ' 6 - Size NE SW Global Const SIZE_N_S = 7 ' 7 - Size N S Global Const SIZE_NW_SE = 8 ' 8 - Size NW SE Global Const SIZE_W_E = 9 ' 9 - Size W E Global Const UP_ARROW = 10 ' 10 - Up Arrow Global Const HOURGLASS = 11 ' 11 - Hourglass Global Const NO_DROP = 12 ' 12 - No drop 'End 'Begin DragMode Global Const MANUAL = 0 ' 0 - Manual Global Const AUTOMATIC = 1 ' 1 - Automatic 'End 'Begin DrawMode Global Const BLACKNESS = 1 ' 1 - Blackness Global Const NOT_MERGE_PEN = 2 ' 2 - Not Merge Pen Global Const MASK_NOT_PEN = 3 ' 3 - Mask Not Pen Global Const NOT_COPY_PEN = 4 ' 4 - Not Copy Pen Global Const MASK_PEN_NOT = 5 ' 5 - Mask Pen Not Global Const INVERT = 6 ' 6 - Invert Global Const XOR_PEN = 7 ' 7 - Xor Pen Global Const NOT_MASK_PEN = 8 ' 8 - Not Mask Pen Global Const MASK_PEN = 9 ' 9 - Mask Pen Global Const NOT_XOR_PEN = 10 ' 10 - Not Xor Pen Global Const NOP = 11 ' 11 - Nop Global Const MERGE_NOT_PEN = 12 ' 12 - Merge Not Pen Global Const COPY_PEN = 13 ' 13 - Copy Pen Global Const MERGE_PEN_NOT = 14 ' 14 - Merge Pen Not Global Const MERGE_PEN = 15 ' 15 - Merge Pen Global Const WHITENESS = 16 ' 16 - Whiteness Global Const SOLID = 0 ' 0 - Solid Global Const DASH = 1 ' 1 - Dash Global Const DOT = 2 ' 2 - Dot Global Const DASH_DOT = 3 ' 3 - Dash-Dot Global Const DASH_DOT_DOT = 4 ' 4 - Dash-Dot-Dot Global Const INVISIBLE = 5 ' 5 - Invisible Global Const INSIDE_SOLID = 6 ' 6 - Inside Solid Global Const TRANSPARENT = 1 ' 1 - Transparent Global Const HORIZONTAL_LINE = 2 ' 2 - Horizontal Line Global Const VERTICAL_LINE = 3 ' 3 - Vertical Line Global Const UPWARD_DIAGONAL = 4 ' 4 - Upward Diagonal Global Const DOWNWARD_DIAGONAL = 5 ' 5 - Downward Diagonal Global Const CROSS = 6 ' 6 - Cross Global Const DIAGONAL_CROSS = 7 ' 7 - Diagonal Cross 'End 'Begin LinkMode(forms,controls) Global Const LINK_SOURCE = 1 ' 1 - Source (forms only) Global Const LINK_AUTOMATIC = 1 ' 1 - Automatic (controls only) Global Const LINK_MANUAL = 2 ' 2 - Manual (controls only) Global Const LINK_NOTIFY = 3 ' 3 - Notify (controls only) 'End 'Begin ScaleMode Global Const USER = 0 ' 0 - User Global Const TWIPS = 1 ' 1 - Twip Global Const POINTS = 2 ' 2 - Point Global Const PIXELS = 3 ' 3 - Pixel Global Const CHARACTERS = 4 ' 4 - Character Global Const INCHES = 5 ' 5 - Inch Global Const MILLIMETERS = 6 ' 6 - Millimeter Global Const CENTIMETERS = 7 ' 7 - Centimeter 'End 'Begin ScrollBar Global Const HORIZONTAL = 1 ' 1 - Horizontal Global Const VERTICAL = 2 ' 2 - Vertical Global Const BOTH = 3 ' 3 - Both 'End 'Begin Shape Global Const SHAPE_RECTANGLE = 0 Global Const SHAPE_SQUARE = 1 Global Const SHAPE_OVAL = 2 Global Const SHAPE_CIRCLE = 3 Global Const SHAPE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE = 4 Global Const SHAPE_ROUNDED_SQUARE = 5 'End 'Begin WindowState Global Const NORMAL = 0 ' 0 - Normal Global Const MINIMIZED = 1 ' 1 - Minimized Global Const MAXIMIZED = 2 ' 2 - Maximized 'End 'Begin Check Value Global Const UNCHECKED = 0 ' 0 - Unchecked Global Const CHECKED = 1 ' 1 - Checked Global Const GRAYED = 2 ' 2 - Grayed 'End 'Begin Shift masks Global Const SHIFT_MASK = 1 Global Const CTRL_MASK = 2 Global Const ALT_MASK = 4 'End 'Begin Button masks Global Const LEFT_BUTTON = 1 Global Const RIGHT_BUTTON = 2 Global Const MIDDLE_BUTTON = 4 'End 'Begin MsgBox parameters Global Const MB_OK = 0 ' OK button only Global Const MB_OKCANCEL = 1 ' OK and Cancel buttons Global Const MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 2 ' Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons Global Const MB_YESNOCANCEL = 3 ' Yes, No, and Cancel buttons Global Const MB_YESNO = 4 ' Yes and No buttons Global Const MB_RETRYCANCEL = 5 ' Retry and Cancel buttons Global Const MB_ICONSTOP = 16 ' Critical message Global Const MB_ICONQUESTION = 32 ' Warning query Global Const MB_ICONEXCLAMATION = 48 ' Warning message Global Const MB_ICONINFORMATION = 64 ' Information message Global Const MB_APPLMODAL = 0 ' Application Modal Message Box Global Const MB_DEFBUTTON1 = 0 ' First button is default Global Const MB_DEFBUTTON2 = 256 ' Second button is default Global Const MB_DEFBUTTON3 = 512 ' Third button is default Global Const MB_SYSTEMMODAL = 4096 'System Modal Global Const IDOK = 1 ' OK button pressed Global Const IDCANCEL = 2 ' Cancel button pressed Global Const IDABORT = 3 ' Abort button pressed Global Const IDRETRY = 4 ' Retry button pressed Global Const IDIGNORE = 5 ' Ignore button pressed Global Const IDYES = 6 ' Yes button pressed Global Const IDNO = 7 ' No button pressed 'End 'Begin Dir Set/GetAttr Global Const ATTR_NORMAL = 0 Global Const ATTR_READONLY = 1 Global Const ATTR_HIDDEN = 2 Global Const ATTR_SYSTEM = 4 Global Const ATTR_VOLUME = 8 Global Const ATTR_DIRECTORY = 16 Global Const ATTR_ARCHIVE = 32 'End 'Begin Grid Global Const GRID_ALIGNLEFT = 0 Global Const GRID_ALIGNRIGHT = 1 Global Const GRID_ALIGNCENTER = 2 'End 'Begin Fillstyle Global Const GRID_SINGLE = 0 Global Const GRID_REPEAT = 1 'End 'Begin Data control 'Error event Response arguments Global Const DATA_ERRCONTINUE = 0 Global Const DATA_ERRDISPLAY = 1 'End 'Begin Editmode Global Const DATA_EDITNONE = 0 Global Const DATA_EDITMODE = 1 Global Const DATA_EDITADD = 2 'End 'Begin Options property Global Const DATA_DENYWRITE = &H1 Global Const DATA_DENYREAD = &H2 Global Const DATA_READONLY = &H4 Global Const DATA_APPENDONLY = &H8 Global Const DATA_INCONSISTENT = &H10 Global Const DATA_CONSISTENT = &H20 Global Const DATA_SQLPASSTHROUGH = &H40 'End 'Begin Validate event Global Const DATA_ACTIONCANCEL = 0 Global Const DATA_ACTIONMOVEFIRST = 1 Global Const DATA_ACTIONMOVEPREVIOUS = 2 Global Const DATA_ACTIONMOVENEXT = 3 Global Const DATA_ACTIONMOVELAST = 4 Global Const DATA_ACTIONADDNEW = 5 Global Const DATA_ACTIONUPDATE = 6 Global Const DATA_ACTIONDELETE = 7 Global Const DATA_ACTIONFIND = 8 Global Const DATA_ACTIONBOOKMARK = 9 Global Const DATA_ACTIONCLOSE = 10 Global Const DATA_ACTIONUNLOAD = 11 'End 'Begin OLE Client Control Global Const OLE_CREATE_EMBED = 0 Global Const OLE_CREATE_NEW = 0 'from ole1 control Global Const OLE_CREATE_LINK = 1 Global Const OLE_CREATE_FROM_FILE = 1 'from ole1 control Global Const OLE_COPY = 4 Global Const OLE_PASTE = 5 Global Const OLE_UPDATE = 6 Global Const OLE_ACTIVATE = 7 Global Const OLE_CLOSE = 9 Global Const OLE_DELETE = 10 Global Const OLE_SAVE_TO_FILE = 11 Global Const OLE_READ_FROM_FILE = 12 Global Const OLE_INSERT_OBJ_DLG = 14 Global Const OLE_PASTE_SPECIAL_DLG = 15 Global Const OLE_FETCH_VERBS = 17 Global Const OLE_SAVE_TO_OLE1FILE = 18 Global Const OLE_LINKED = 0 Global Const OLE_EMBEDDED = 1 Global Const OLE_NONE = 3 Global Const OLE_EITHER = 2 Global Const OLE_AUTOMATIC = 0 Global Const OLE_FROZEN = 1 Global Const OLE_MANUAL = 2 Global Const OLE_ACTIVATE_MANUAL = 0 Global Const OLE_ACTIVATE_GETFOCUS = 1 Global Const OLE_ACTIVATE_DOUBLECLICK = 2 Global Const OLE_SIZE_CLIP = 0 Global Const OLE_SIZE_STRETCH = 1 Global Const OLE_SIZE_AUTOSIZE = 2 Global Const OLE_DISPLAY_CONTENT = 0 Global Const OLE_DISPLAY_ICON = 1 Global Const OLE_CHANGED = 0 Global Const OLE_SAVED = 1 Global Const OLE_CLOSED = 2 Global Const OLE_RENAMED = 3 'End 'Begin Special Verb Values Global Const VERB_PRIMARY = 0 Global Const VERB_SHOW = -1 Global Const VERB_OPEN = -2 Global Const VERB_HIDE = -3 Global Const VERB_INPLACEUIACTIVATE = -4 Global Const VERB_INPLACEACTIVATE = -5 Global Const VERBFLAG_GRAYED = &H1 Global Const VERBFLAG_DISABLED = &H2 Global Const VERBFLAG_CHECKED = &H8 Global Const VERBFLAG_SEPARATOR = &H800 Global Const OLE_MISCFLAG_MEMSTORAGE = &H1 Global Const OLE_MISCFLAG_DISABLEINPLACE = &H2 'End 'Begin CMD Action Global Const DLG_FILE_OPEN = 1 Global Const DLG_FILE_SAVE = 2 Global Const DLG_COLOR = 3 Global Const DLG_FONT = 4 Global Const DLG_PRINT = 5 Global Const DLG_HELP = 6 'End 'Begin CMDFile Flags Global Const OFN_READONLY = &H1& Global Const OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT = &H2& Global Const OFN_HIDEREADONLY = &H4& Global Const OFN_NOCHANGEDIR = &H8& Global Const OFN_SHOWHELP = &H10& Global Const OFN_NOVALIDATE = &H100& Global Const OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT = &H200& Global Const OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT = &H400& Global Const OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST = &H800& Global Const OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST = &H1000& Global Const OFN_CREATEPROMPT = &H2000& Global Const OFN_SHAREAWARE = &H4000& Global Const OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN = &H8000& 'End 'Begin CMDColor Flags Global Const CC_RGBINIT = &H1& Global Const CC_FULLOPEN = &H2& Global Const CC_PREVENTFULLOPEN = &H4& Global Const CC_SHOWHELP = &H8& 'End 'Begin CMDFonts Flags Global Const CF_SCREENFONTS = &H1& Global Const CF_PRINTERFONTS = &H2& Global Const CF_BOTH = &H3& Global Const CF_SHOWHELP = &H4& Global Const CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT = &H40& Global Const CF_USESTYLE = &H80& Global Const CF_EFFECTS = &H100& Global Const CF_APPLY = &H200& Global Const CF_ANSIONLY = &H400& Global Const CF_NOVECTORFONTS = &H800& Global Const CF_NOSIMULATIONS = &H1000& Global Const CF_LIMITSIZE = &H2000& Global Const CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY = &H4000& Global Const CF_WYSIWYG = &H8000& 'must also have CF_SCREENFONTS & CF_PRINTERFONTS Global Const CF_FORCEFONTEXIST = &H10000 Global Const CF_SCALABLEONLY = &H20000 Global Const CF_TTONLY = &H40000 Global Const CF_NOFACESEL = &H80000 Global Const CF_NOSTYLESEL = &H100000 Global Const CF_NOSIZESEL = &H200000 'End 'Begin CMDPrinter Flags Global Const PD_ALLPAGES = &H0& Global Const PD_SELECTION = &H1& Global Const PD_PAGENUMS = &H2& Global Const PD_NOSELECTION = &H4& Global Const PD_NOPAGENUMS = &H8& Global Const PD_COLLATE = &H10& Global Const PD_PRINTTOFILE = &H20& Global Const PD_PRINTSETUP = &H40& Global Const PD_NOWARNING = &H80& Global Const PD_RETURNDC = &H100& Global Const PD_RETURNIC = &H200& Global Const PD_RETURNDEFAULT = &H400& Global Const PD_SHOWHELP = &H800& Global Const PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES = &H40000 Global Const PD_DISABLEPRINTTOFILE = &H80000 Global Const PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE = &H100000 'End 'Begin Help Constants Global Const HELP_CONTEXT = &H1 'Display topic in ulTopic Global Const HELP_QUIT = &H2 'Terminate help Global Const HELP_INDEX = &H3 'Display index Global Const HELP_CONTENTS = &H3 Global Const HELP_HELPONHELP = &H4 'Display help on using help Global Const HELP_SETINDEX = &H5 'Set the current Index for multi index help Global Const HELP_SETCONTENTS = &H5 Global Const HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP = &H8 Global Const HELP_FORCEFILE = &H9 Global Const HELP_KEY = &H101 'Display topic for keyword in offabData Global Const HELP_COMMAND = &H102 Global Const HELP_PARTIALKEY = &H105 'call the search engine in winhelp 'End 'Begin CMD Error Constants Global Const CDERR_DIALOGFAILURE = -32768 Global Const CDERR_GENERALCODES =&H7FFF Global Const CDERR_STRUCTSIZE = &H7FFE Global Const CDERR_INITIALIZATION = &H7FFD Global Const CDERR_NOTEMPLATE = &H7FFC Global Const CDERR_NOHINSTANCE = &H7FFB Global Const CDERR_LOADSTRFAILURE = &H7FFA Global Const CDERR_FINDRESFAILURE = &H7FF9 Global Const CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE = &H7FF8 Global Const CDERR_LOCKRESFAILURE = &H7FF7 Global Const CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE = &H7FF6 Global Const CDERR_MEMLOCKFAILURE = &H7FF5 Global Const CDERR_NOHOOK = &H7FF4 Global Const CDERR_CANCEL = &H7FF3 Global Const CDERR_NODLL = &H7FF2 Global Const CDERR_ERRPROC = &H7FF1 Global Const CDERR_ALLOC = &H7FF0 Global Const CDERR_HELP = &H7FEF Global Const PDERR_PRINTERCODES = &H6FFF Global Const PDERR_SETUPFAILURE = &H6FFE Global Const PDERR_PARSEFAILURE = &H6FFD Global Const PDERR_RETDEFFAILURE = &H6FFC Global Const PDERR_LOADDRVFAILURE = &H6FFB Global Const PDERR_GETDEVMODEFAIL = &H6FFA Global Const PDERR_INITFAILURE = &H6FF9 Global Const PDERR_NODEVICES = &H6FF8 Global Const PDERR_NODEFAULTPRN = &H6FF7 Global Const PDERR_DNDMMISMATCH = &H6FF6 Global Const PDERR_CREATEICFAILURE = &H6FF5 Global Const PDERR_PRINTERNOTFOUND = &H6FF4 Global Const CFERR_CHOOSEFONTCODES = &H5FFF Global Const CFERR_NOFONTS = &H5FFE Global Const FNERR_FILENAMECODES = &H4FFF Global Const FNERR_SUBCLASSFAILURE = &H4FFE Global Const FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME = &H4FFD Global Const FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL = &H4FFC Global Const FRERR_FINDREPLACECODES = &H3FFF Global Const CCERR_CHOOSECOLORCODES = &H2FFF 'End '--------------------------------------------------------- ' Table of Contents for Visual Basic Professional ' ' 1. 3-D Controls ' (Frame/Panel/Option/Check/Command/Group Push) ' 2. Animated Button ' 3. Gauge Control ' 4. Graph Control Section ' 5. Key Status Control ' 6. Spin Button ' 7. MCI Control (Multimedia) ' 8. Masked Edit Control ' 9. Comm Control ' 10. Outline Control '--------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Begin 3D Controls '------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Const SSCB_TEXT_RIGHT = 0 '0 - Text to the right Global Const SSCB_TEXT_LEFT = 1 '1 - Text to the left Global Const SSOB_TEXT_RIGHT = 0 '0 - Text to the right Global Const SSOB_TEXT_LEFT = 1 '1 - Text to the left Global Const SSFR_LEFT_JUSTIFY = 0 '0 - Left justify text Global Const SSFR_RIGHT_JUSTIFY = 1 '1 - Right justify text Global Const SSFR_CENTER = 2 '2 - Center text Global Const SSPN_LEFT_TOP = 0 '0 - Text to left and top Global Const SSPN_LEFT_MIDDLE = 1 '1 - Text to left and middle Global Const SSPN_LEFT_BOTTOM = 2 '2 - Text to left and bottom Global Const SSPN_RIGHT_TOP = 3 '3 - Text to right and top Global Const SSPN_RIGHT_MIDDLE = 4 '4 - Text to right and middle Global Const SSPN_RIGHT_BOTTOM = 5 '5 - Text to right and bottom Global Const SSPN_CENTER_TOP = 6 '6 - Text to center and top Global Const SSPN_CENTER_MIDDLE = 7 '7 - Text to center and middle Global Const SSPN_CENTER_BOTTOM = 8 '8 - Text to center and bottom Global Const SS_AUTOSIZE_NONE = 0 '0 - No Autosizing Global Const SSPB_AUTOSIZE_PICTOBUT = 1 '0 - Autosize Picture to Button Global Const SSPB_AUTOSIZE_BUTTOPIC = 2 '0 - Autosize Button to Picture Global Const SSRI_AUTOSIZE_PICTOBUT = 1 '0 - Autosize Picture to Button Global Const SSRI_AUTOSIZE_BUTTOPIC = 2 '0 - Autosize Button to Picture Global Const SSPN_AUTOSIZE_WIDTH = 1 '1 - Autosize Panel width to Caption Global Const SSPN_AUTOSIZE_HEIGHT = 2 '2 - Autosize Panel height to Caption Global Const SSPN_AUTOSIZE_CHILD = 3 '3 - Autosize Child to Panel Global Const SS_BEVELINNER_NONE = 0 '0 - No Inner Bevel Global Const SS_BEVELINNER_INSET = 1 '1 - Inset Inner Bevel Global Const SS_BEVELINNER_RAISED = 2 '2 - Raised Inner Bevel Global Const SS_BEVELOUTER_NONE = 0 '0 - No Outer Bevel Global Const SS_BEVELOUTER_INSET = 1 '1 - Inset Outer Bevel Global Const SS_BEVELOUTER_RAISED = 2 '2 - Raised Outer Bevel Global Const SS_FLOODTYPE_NONE = 0 '0 - No flood Global Const SS_FLOODTYPE_L_TO_R = 1 '1 - Left to light Global Const SS_FLOODTYPE_R_TO_L = 2 '2 - Right to left Global Const SS_FLOODTYPE_T_TO_B = 3 '3 - Top to bottom Global Const SS_FLOODTYPE_B_TO_T = 4 '4 - Bottom to top Global Const SS_FLOODTYPE_CIRCLE = 5 '5 - Widening circle Global Const SS_FONT3D_NONE = 0 '0 - No 3-D text Global Const SS_FONT3D_RAISED_LIGHT = 1 '1 - Raised with light shading Global Const SS_FONT3D_RAISED_HEAVY = 2 '2 - Raised with heavy shading Global Const SS_FONT3D_INSET_LIGHT = 3 '3 - Inset with light shading Global Const SS_FONT3D_INSET_HEAVY = 4 '4 - Inset with heavy shading Global Const SS_PICDN_NOCHANGE = 0 '0 - Use 'Up'bitmap with no change Global Const SS_PICDN_DITHER = 1 '1 - Dither 'Up'bitmap Global Const SS_PICDN_INVERT = 2 '2 - Invert 'Up'bitmap Global Const SS_SHADOW_DARKGREY = 0 '0 - Dark grey shadow Global Const SS_SHADOW_BLACK = 1 '1 - Black shadow Global Const SS_SHADOW_INSET = 0 '0 - Shadow inset Global Const SS_SHADOW_RAISED = 1 '1 - Shadow raised 'End '--------------------------------------- 'Begin Animated Button '--------------------------------------- 'Cycle property Global Const ANI_ANIMATED = 0 Global Const ANI_MULTISTATE = 1 Global Const ANI_TWO_STATE = 2 'Click Filter property Global Const ANI_ANYWHERE = 0 Global Const ANI_IMAGE_AND_TEXT = 1 Global Const ANI_IMAGE = 2 Global Const ANI_TEXT = 3 'PicDrawMode Property Global Const ANI_XPOS_YPOS = 0 Global Const ANI_AUTOSIZE = 1 Global Const ANI_STRETCH = 2 'SpecialOp Property Global Const ANI_CLICK = 1 'TextPosition Property Global Const ANI_CENTER = 0 Global Const ANI_LEFT = 1 Global Const ANI_RIGHT = 2 Global Const ANI_BOTTON = 3 Global Const ANI_TOP = 4 'End '--------------------------------------- 'Begin GAUGE '--------------------------------------- 'Style Property Global Const GAUGE_HORIZ = 0 Global Const GAUGE_VERT = 1 Global Const GAUGE_SEMI = 2 Global Const GAUGE_FULL = 3 'End '---------------------------------------- 'Begin Graph Control '---------------------------------------- Global Const G_NONE = 0 Global Const G_DEFAULT = 0 Global Const G_OFF = 0 Global Const G_ON = 1 Global Const G_MONO = 0 Global Const G_COLOR = 1 Global Const G_PIE2D = 1 Global Const G_PIE3D = 2 Global Const G_BAR2D = 3 Global Const G_BAR3D = 4 Global Const G_GANTT = 5 Global Const G_LINE = 6 Global Const G_LOGLIN = 7 Global Const G_AREA = 8 Global Const G_SCATTER = 9 Global Const G_POLAR = 10 Global Const G_HLC = 11 Global Const G_BLACK = 0 Global Const G_BLUE = 1 Global Const G_GREEN = 2 Global Const G_CYAN = 3 Global Const G_RED = 4 Global Const G_MAGENTA = 5 Global Const G_BROWN = 6 Global Const G_LIGHT_GRAY = 7 Global Const G_DARK_GRAY = 8 Global Const G_LIGHT_BLUE = 9 Global Const G_LIGHT_GREEN = 10 Global Const G_LIGHT_CYAN = 11 Global Const G_LIGHT_RED = 12 Global Const G_LIGHT_MAGENTA = 13 Global Const G_YELLOW = 14 Global Const G_WHITE = 15 Global Const G_AUTOBW = 16 Global Const G_SOLID = 0 Global Const G_HOLLOW = 1 Global Const G_HATCH1 = 2 Global Const G_HATCH2 = 3 Global Const G_HATCH3 = 4 Global Const G_HATCH4 = 5 Global Const G_HATCH5 = 6 Global Const G_HATCH6 = 7 Global Const G_BITMAP1 = 16 Global Const G_BITMAP2 = 17 Global Const G_BITMAP3 = 18 Global Const G_BITMAP4 = 19 Global Const G_BITMAP5 = 20 Global Const G_BITMAP6 = 21 Global Const G_BITMAP7 = 22 Global Const G_BITMAP8 = 23 Global Const G_BITMAP9 = 24 Global Const G_BITMAP10 = 25 Global Const G_BITMAP11 = 26 Global Const G_BITMAP12 = 27 Global Const G_BITMAP13 = 28 Global Const G_BITMAP14 = 29 Global Const G_BITMAP15 = 30 Global Const G_BITMAP16 = 31 Global Const G_CROSS_PLUS = 0 Global Const G_CROSS_TIMES = 1 Global Const G_TRIANGLE_UP = 2 Global Const G_SOLID_TRIANGLE_UP = 3 Global Const G_TRIANGLE_DOWN = 4 Global Const G_SOLID_TRIANGLE_DOWN = 5 Global Const G_SQUARE = 6 Global Const G_SOLID_SQUARE = 7 Global Const G_DIAMOND = 8 Global Const G_SOLID_DIAMOND = 9 Global Const G_DASH = 1 Global Const G_DOT = 2 Global Const G_DASHDOT = 3 Global Const G_DASHDOTDOT = 4 Global Const G_HORIZONTAL = 1 Global Const G_VERTICAL = 2 Global Const G_MEAN = 1 Global Const G_MIN_MAX = 2 Global Const G_STD_DEV = 4 Global Const G_BEST_FIT = 8 Global Const G_GRAPH_DATA = 1 Global Const G_COLOR_DATA = 2 Global Const G_EXTRA_DATA = 3 Global Const G_LABEL_TEXT = 4 Global Const G_LEGEND_TEXT = 5 Global Const G_PATTERN_DATA = 6 Global Const G_SYMBOL_DATA = 7 Global Const G_XPOS_DATA = 8 Global Const G_ALL_DATA = 9 Global Const G_NO_ACTION = 0 Global Const G_CLEAR = 1 Global Const G_DRAW = 2 Global Const G_BLIT = 3 Global Const G_COPY = 4 Global Const G_PRINT = 5 Global Const G_WRITE = 6 Global Const G_BORDER = 2 Global Const G_NO_LINES = 1 Global Const G_COLORED = 2 Global Const G_PERCENTS = 4 Global Const G_STACKED = 2 Global Const G_PERCENTAGE = 4 Global Const G_Z_CLUSTERED = 6 Global Const G_SPACED_BARS = 1 Global Const G_SYMBOLS = 1 Global Const G_STICKS = 2 Global Const G_LINES = 4 Global Const G_ABSOLUTE = 1 Global Const G_PERCENT = 2 Global Const G_NO_CLOSE = 1 Global Const G_NO_HIGH_LOW = 2 'End '--------------------------------------- 'Begin Key Status Control '--------------------------------------- Global Const KEYSTAT_CAPSLOCK = 0 Global Const KEYSTAT_NUMLOCK = 1 Global Const KEYSTAT_INSERT = 2 Global Const KEYSTAT_SCROLLLOCK = 3 'End '--------------------------------------- 'MCI Control (Multimedia) '--------------------------------------- 'NOTE: 'Please use the updated Multimedia constants 'in the WINMMSYS.TXT file from the \VB\WINAPI 'subdirectory. '--------------------------------------- 'Begin Spin Button '--------------------------------------- Global Const SPIN_VERTICAL = 0 Global Const SPIN_HORIZONTAL = 1 'End '--------------------------------------- 'Begin Masked Edit Control '--------------------------------------- Global Const ME_INCLIT = 0 Global Const ME_EXCLIT = 1 'End '--------------------------------------- 'Begin Comm Control '--------------------------------------- Global Const MSCOMM_HANDSHAKE_NONE = 0 Global Const MSCOMM_HANDSHAKE_XONXOFF = 1 Global Const MSCOMM_HANDSHAKE_RTS = 2 Global Const MSCOMM_HANDSHAKE_RTSXONXOFF = 3 Global Const MSCOMM_EV_SEND = 1 Global Const MSCOMM_EV_RECEIVE = 2 Global Const MSCOMM_EV_CTS = 3 Global Const MSCOMM_EV_DSR = 4 Global Const MSCOMM_EV_CD = 5 Global Const MSCOMM_EV_RING = 6 Global Const MSCOMM_EV_EOF = 7 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_BREAK = 1001 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_CTSTO = 1002 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_DSRTO = 1003 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_FRAME = 1004 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_OVERRUN = 1006 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_CDTO = 1007 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_RXOVER = 1008 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_RXPARITY = 1009 Global Const MSCOMM_ER_TXFULL = 1010 'End '--------------------------------------- 'Begin MAPI '--------------------------------------- 'Action Global Const SESSION_SIGNON = 1 Global Const SESSION_SIGNOFF = 2 Global Const MESSAGE_FETCH = 1 ' Load all messages from message store Global Const MESSAGE_SENDDLG = 2 ' Send mail bring up default mapi dialog Global Const MESSAGE_SEND = 3 ' Send mail without default mapi dialog Global Const MESSAGE_SAVEMSG = 4 ' Save message in the compose buffer Global Const MESSAGE_COPY = 5 ' Copy current message to compose buffer Global Const MESSAGE_COMPOSE = 6 ' Initialize compose buffer (previous Global Const MESSAGE_REPLY = 7 ' Fill Compose buffer as REPLY Global Const MESSAGE_REPLYALL = 8 ' Fill Compose buffer as REPLY ALL Global Const MESSAGE_FORWARD = 9 ' Fill Compose buffer as FORWARD Global Const MESSAGE_DELETE = 10 ' Delete current message Global Const MESSAGE_SHOWADBOOK = 11 ' Show Address book Global Const MESSAGE_SHOWDETAILS = 12 ' Show details of the current recipient Global Const MESSAGE_RESOLVENAME = 13 ' Resolve the display name of the recipient Global Const RECIPIENT_DELETE = 14 ' Fill Compose buffer as FORWARD Global Const ATTACHMENT_DELETE = 15 ' Delete current message Global Const SUCCESS_SUCCESS = 32000 Global Const MAPI_USER_ABORT = 32001 Global Const MAPI_E_FAILURE = 32002 Global Const MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAILURE = 32003 Global Const MAPI_E_DISK_FULL = 32004 Global Const MAPI_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY = 32005 Global Const MAPI_E_ACCESS_DENIED = 32006 Global Const MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS = 32008 Global Const MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_FILES = 32009 Global Const MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS = 32010 Global Const MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND = 32011 Global Const MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_OPEN_FAILURE = 32012 Global Const MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_FAILURE = 32013 Global Const MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT = 32014 Global Const MAPI_E_BAD_RECIPTYPE = 32015 Global Const MAPI_E_NO_MESSAGES = 32016 Global Const MAPI_E_INVALID_MESSAGE = 32017 Global Const MAPI_E_TEXT_TOO_LARGE = 32018 Global Const MAPI_E_INVALID_SESSION = 32019 Global Const MAPI_E_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 32020 Global Const MAPI_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT = 32021 Global Const MAPI_E_MESSAGE_IN_USE = 32022 Global Const MAPI_E_NETWORK_FAILURE = 32023 Global Const MAPI_E_INVALID_EDITFIELDS = 32024 Global Const MAPI_E_INVALID_RECIPS = 32025 Global Const MAPI_E_NOT_SUPPORTED = 32026 Global Const CONTROL_E_SESSION_EXISTS = 32050 Global Const CONTROL_E_INVALID_BUFFER = 32051 Global Const CONTROL_E_INVALID_READ_BUFFER_ACTION = 32052 Global Const CONTROL_E_NO_SESSION = 32053 Global Const CONTROL_E_INVALID_RECIPIENT = 32054 Global Const CONTROL_E_INVALID_COMPOSE_BUFFER_ACTION = 32055 Global Const CONTROL_E_FAILURE = 32056 Global Const CONTROL_E_NO_RECIPIENTS = 32057 Global Const CONTROL_E_NO_ATTACHMENTS = 32058 Global Const RECIPTYPE_ORIG = 0 Global Const RECIPTYPE_TO = 1 Global Const RECIPTYPE_CC = 2 Global Const RECIPTYPE_BCC = 3 Global Const ATTACHTYPE_DATA = 0 Global Const ATTACHTYPE_EOLE = 1 Global Const ATTACHTYPE_SOLE = 2 'End '------------------------------------------------- 'Begin Outline '------------------------------------------------- Global Const MSOUTLINE_PICTURE_CLOSED = 0 Global Const MSOUTLINE_PICTURE_OPEN = 1 Global Const MSOUTLINE_PICTURE_LEAF = 2 Global Const MSOUTLINE_BADPICFORMAT = 32000 Global Const MSOUTLINE_BADINDENTATION = 32001 Global Const MSOUTLINE_MEM = 32002 Global Const MSOUTLINE_PARENTNOTEXPANDED = 32003 'End